Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Homemaker's Elves

If you read my blog regularly, you may be under the impression that my house is mess.

Actually, it is usually neat and tidy. For I, like the shoemaker of the well-known fairy tale, have elves.

It's great. Once a week or once every two weeks, it depends on how chaotic my life is at the time, I leave the garden gate open and 75 dollars on the kitchen counter. I walk out the door, go shopping or to the nail salon (well, that was before Brooke) and 3 hours later, I come back to a freshly cleaned home.

Also, every night, except when Bruce is on a business trip, the toys get magically put away. My shoes too. I find this annoying re my shoes, but I keep quiet about it. I don't want to upset the magic.


Mari said...

Oh no, I didnt think your house was messy at all, especially when Bruce has to step over 5 piles of laundry to get to the bathroom!


Monica said...

Those piles mysteriously appear when Bruce is on a business trip. That's when the elves abandon me. :-(

Mari said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mari said...

Ok, my comment was dumb so I deleted it.

Monica said...