Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Land of The Freeze and The Hole of The Brained

I have to write this down before I forget:
Celeste and Emme go to gymnastics. Emme I take by herself (w/Brooke too)while Celeste is in school. Celeste goes after school, so Emme has to come along and wait for one hour.

During this hour, I have to figure out how to entertain Emme for one whole hour. This is pretty easy because Emme is a very imaginative and creative person. She can make toys out of french fries. Last week, I brought along a box of crayons - 96 to be exact. Emme did not actually color with these crayons, she arranged them in different rows like little soldiers.

Emme was the sergeant of these colorful warriors, directing them and giving them various orders. I suppose they were on parade duty this last time as Emme has no experience on the battle field yet. She marched them through various formations, not letting them at ease until they had sung their national anthem.

I heard Emme singing quietly as is her wont, and asked her to repeat the last lines because I wasn't sure exactly what I had heard was right. She smiled at me, happy to oblige, and belted out:

"Oh say, does that star spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the freeze
And the hole of the brained"

I don't think Sergeant Emme's troops are ready for combat yet.


Denisa said...

That made my day. I love the innocence of a child.

Mari said...

Omgosh how stinkin' CUTE!!!