Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Blame Game

Bruce is out of town and I have to put 3 little girls to bed. This is usually Bruce's job, but when he's out of town, naturally it's mine.

I am fried out of my brain at 8:30 pm having hung out with 3 little girls and their compatriots all day. I have no patience, but I tough it out.

I get the girls washed up and teeth brushed and pajamas on. Celeste picks out a book, "The Blame Game" A Berenstain Bears story about kids arguing. Not the best subject for my fried brain, but I read it with gusto and expression.

I am reading, and Emme, who is enchanted by the subject matter, starts repeating over and over, "It's your fault! No it's not! It's your fault! No it's not!"

I keep reading, hoping Emme will stop, but she doesn't. I become irritated and impatient.

"Emme, do YOU want to read the story?" I ask sarcastically. I'm thinking she'll stop and say 'no Mama, you go on and read.'.

"uh...Okay!" Emme says pleasantly. She takes the book from me and begins to read out loud.

Laughing and forgetting any irritations I have ever had in my life, I take the book back and tell her that I'll read after all.

Emme looks up at me with a winning, "Gotcha!" smile.

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